A climate crisis fortnightly newsletter brought to you by XR Gairloch. Comment, thoughts, articles, round-up and even some good news in the latest newsletter from XR Gairloch. July 28 was Earth Overshoot DayIn historic move, UN declares healthy environment a human rightNew North Sea gas project to generate more CO2 ...
Extinction Rebellion Glasgow conducted a die-in protest this Saturday (23 July 2022) at 11:00 at Buchanan Street, Glasgow to demand urgent climate action after the highest recorded temperatures in the UK. Whilst people lie on the ground covered in white sheets, a sombre drum beat will echo through the ...
At 12pm in Falcon Square, Inverness on 23rd July members of Extinction Rebellion Highlands & Islands and Extinction Rebellion Moray will perform a ‘die in’ to highlight the dangers of new fossil fuel projects and Investment. An investigation by The Guardian recently reported that the world’s biggest fossil fuel firms ...
A climate crisis fortnightly newsletter brought to you by XR Gairloch. Comment, thoughts, articles, round-up and even some good news in the latest newsletter from XR Gairloch. Will things get better now that Boris Johnson has resigned?G7 decide to continue fossil fuel imperialism over poorer global south nationsClimate Change Committee ...
A climate crisis fortnightly newsletter brought to you by XR Gairloch. Comment, thoughts, articles, round-up and even some good news in the latest newsletter from XR Gairloch. Greenwash, misinformation, hypocrisy and deceitTechnological AdvancesSustainable Farming/FoodThe Scales of JusticeEconomic Recovery—Building Back Better (Mostly Not)The Fight Against Fossil FuelsThe Amazon Rainforest Is Still ...
You might have seen adverts for Vanguard, with smiling people giving a V-shaped “peace sign” with their fingers. What the ads don’t tell you is that Vanguard is one of the world’s biggest funders of climate destruction. Its investments fund climate misery across the globe, leading to crop failure, biodiversity ...
Extinction Rebellion Scotland disrupts Vanguard’s Sustainable Life roadshow at the Grand Central Glasgow Hotel. The protest is to draws attention to the US investment giant’s role in funding the climate crisis and its recent refusal to end new fossil fuel investments.Activists inside the roadshow disrupted the presentation by asking questions ...
Growing our movement and speaking to the public is a key part in battling the climate crisis and forcing our leaders to act now. Come along to our first outreach meeting and find out how we can turn things around on the climate and ecological emergency, one chat at a ...
A climate crisis fortnightly newsletter brought to you by XR Gairloch. Comment, thoughts, articles, round-up and even some good news in the latest newsletter from XR Gairloch. Energy prices should be getting cheaper not more expensiveHow we could drastically cut our energy billsDirty business going on behind closed doors as ...
Yesterday Extinction Rebellion Scotland targeted the North Sea Transition Authority, who continue to issue new licenses for oil and gas development, and set-up a pink table at the STUC conference. This is despite the International Energy Agency declaring that there must be no new fossil fuel development, [1] and the ...