XR Dundee launching series of science talks

XR Dundee are launching a series of science talks on Saturday 1 October from 2.30 to 4.30pm at Ninewells Community Garden.

In order to introduce and explain the thinking behind the Talks series there will be a few short contributions from scientist/activists, followed by an open mic.

We are also expecting to welcome the XR UK team who are currently on a nationwide tour: XR UK Change is Now Tour Bus.

We, at XR Dundee, believe we are offering Science Talks with a difference. Our ambition is to explore how climate research and activism relate to each other. Each of our five Talks events will feature two guest speakers and a skilled facilitator but will also allow time for discussion and questions so as to include the voices of those attending. We want to build links between communities and empower those attending the talks, academics and audience alike, encouraging everyone to consider the role that activism might play in their lives.

At a time when the climate and ecological crisis is ever more apparent, we feel that these Talks will offer an opportunity for those engaged in scientific research to express their deep concerns alongside presenting their academic work. When faced with a situation of such urgency we think it makes sense to complement facts with emotions.

We have chosen the title of the Talks series with care: ‘Apocalypse Now? Dispatches from the Scientific Front Lines’. The first of XR’s Three Demands is ‘Tell the Truth’and we have adopted the idea of ‘apocalypse’ because of its original meaning of revelation or the uncovering of truth.

We hope you can join us on Saturday 1 October, for tea/coffee and home-made cakes and to learn more about this exciting venture. We would also be most grateful for your help in publicising this event. If you could email on the attached invite to your own mailing list and share through social media that would be much appreciated.

Updates and full information about our talks will be posted on our Facebook event page.

You can also contact us on xrdundee@gmail.com.