Climate crisis newsletter: issue 115

A climate crisis fortnightly newsletter brought to you by XR Gairloch.

Comment, thoughts, articles, round-up and even some good news in the latest newsletter from XR Gairloch.

Will things get better now that Boris Johnson has resigned?
G7 decide to continue fossil fuel imperialism over poorer global south nations
Climate Change Committee latest report
BP paid tax to UK on North Sea business for first time in years
UK government coal lies
About time the way we calculate energy prices changes
Stephen Fry telling us “Something has to be done”
We must eject plans for a new gas-fired power station at Peterhead
Greenwash, misinformation, hypocrisy and deceit
Technological Advances
The Fight Against Fossil Fuels
The Amazon is still burning
Sustainable Farming/Food
The Scales of Justice
Eco’nomic Recovery—Building Back Better (Mostly Not)
From Piper Alpha to Piper Darvo —The Evil That are Fossil Fuel Companies
Playing into the hands of fossil fuel companies
Corporate net-zero goals don’t add up

Download newsletter issue 115