Joining XR Scotland is not just about street action and getting arrested. For every rebel who is willing to carry out acts of civil disobedience, we need 50 others doing all sorts of creative and vital work. Sometimes a friendly face is more important than anything else.

Our rebellion needs everyone.

Placard wavers, social media enthusiasts, friendly souls, illustrators, banner makers, smilers, grandparents and wee rebels, culture regenerators, sympathisers, discussion lovers, action rebels, storytellers, spell weavers…we need you all!

Please note that we will update this page as more information becomes available.

How to get started

Find out why you need to get involved: watch Heading for Extinction (and what to do about it) | Aug 2023 to find out more about the climate crisis and what you can do about it.

Join a local group: local groups organise all kinds of actions, social events, protests and discussions. Find out the joys of getting involved with a supportive local community of lovely like-minded people. Join your local XR Scotland group.

Sign up to Extinction Rebellion Scotland emails.
Signing up by this form also adds you to a local list and the UK list.

Non-Violent Direct Action (NVDA) training

Not everyone joining XR Scotland wants or needs to get arrested but civil disobedience is at the heart of our actions and we provide training to prepare you for this. Scottish law is different to law in England and Wales so we recommend that you take training sessions run by XR Scotland.

Sign up to Extinction Rebellion Scotland emails for details of future NVDA training sessions.

Training for action and protest roles

Taking active part in our rebellions and protests can be rewarding and challenging, exhilarating and tense. If you want to take part in a protest or rebellion, rebels usually have roles such as legal observer or stewarding to support acts of civil disobedience.

Legal observers attend protests to observe and monitor police behaviour. XR Scotland legal observers often work closely with Scottish Community and Activist Legal Project (SCALP). SCALP provides training and legal resources and you can find out how to get involved on their website. Legal observers need to be trained in Scottish law as it’s different to the rest of the UK.

De-escalators play an important role in embedding non-violence in our protest. Find out more training in de-escalation.

Training for non-action roles

We need rebels to get involved in meeting facilitation, back-office support, wellbeing, art, creativity and media – either with local groups or XR Scotland.

To get involved with XR Scotland’s media you can contact the media team on

Digital rebellion

Join our rebel community and help with quick digital micro-actions. These actions can be adding planet-friendly comments to an online article, signing petitions or help to contact your local politiicans.

Donations help us deliver vital campaigns

We need your help so we can stand together and act now for our future.

Donate now