Extinction Rebellion Scotland/ Cumbria/ NE England Power In Truth – Site 6October International RebellionThe moment of truth arrives. Email: xrscotlandpress@gmail.comPhone: 07507888837 / 07555956450www.twitter.com/scotlandxrwww.facebook.com/xrscotlandwww.instagram.com/xrscotland This morning (7th October ...
Extinction Rebellion interrupted a key Glasgow City Council meeting this morning, denouncing their proposed climate action plan as ‘too little, too late’. Protestors demanded that the Council ‘Tell Glasgow the truth’ about Climate Breakdown, achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2025 and set up a Climate Citizens Assembly in ...
A banner reading ‘Change is Coming’ was dropped in front of the main gate of the University of Glasgow during the university’s fresher’s fair by Extinction Rebellion Glasgow University students, as part of the launch of the XR Universities movement. The banner was hung over the main gate at 1pm ...
Two members of Extinction Rebellion Scotland were at Edinburgh Sheriff Court today for their peaceful participation in the International Rebellion in April, the largest act of civil disobedience in recent British history. Dr Anna Fisk, 35, was sentenced to a £300 fine for Breach of the Peace, but Bobbie Winter-Burke, ...
Around 40 activists from Extinction Rebellion participated in a die-in today at the front entrance of the P&J Live arena to protest the SPE Offshore Europe Conference & Exhibition, an oil and gas exploration and production conference hosting over 36,000 attendees from all over Europe. After reading a ...
Aberdeen Arts Centre on Sunday, 1 September 2019, 10am to 11pmOne of nine festivals happening around the UK this summer organised by Extinction RebellionPreparing for International Rebellion in London and around the world on 7 October 2019 On the first of September, Extinction Rebellion groups from across Scotland will be ...
#SummerUprising #TheFutureYouFearIsAlreadyHere #justice4climaterefugees #projectmushroom Extinction Rebellion Scotland are using a 25 foot long purple boat to block Trongate at Glasgow city centre. This demonstration is part of a UK-wide non-violent direct action known as Summer Uprising: Act Now. Boats are being used to occupy spaces or block roads in ...
Monster Chetwynd and Esther Teichmann‘Wrestling a wittchetty grub’ 2018, Fantasie Photostudio Lower Galleries 1 & 2, Summerhall, 1 Summerhall, Edinburgh EH9 1PLPress preview; 1-6pm Wednesday 24th July and all day Thursday 25th July Private view; 18.30-20.30 Wednesday 24th July Extinction Rebellion announce extensive programme of visual art, installation, film, theatre, spoken ...
Extinction Rebellion Scotland occupied the Scottish Parliament in January 2019 and held a symbolic Climate Citizens Assembly At 12:00pm today Extinction Rebellion Scotland will be joined by Friends of the Earth Scotland, Common Weal and Global Justice Now to launch their campaign for a Climate Citizens’ Assembly. The Declaration calls ...
Children and their parents pretend to die outside of the Scottish Parliament building after hearing yesterday’s Climate Bill amendment targets. Labhaoise Torrance, 12, noted “We’re here because 2045 is too late to save us. Our government needs to do better” Today, children from across Scotland have travelled ...