Guide to the mass mobilisation this Sat
November 07, 2022
XR Scotland are joining Climate Justice Coalition‘s mass protest in Edinburgh this Sat on 12 November.

What is the mass mobilisation about
Nov 12 will see mass mobilisations across the regions and nations, putting thousands of people on the streets to demand Climate Justice in solidarity with the Global Day of Action called by Egyptian groups at UN climate talks COP27.
This has been organised by the Edinburgh Climate Coalition, Climate Justice Coalition, Stop Climate Chaos Scotland, Friends of the Earth Scotland, Global Justice Now and Extinction Rebellion Scotland.
As the UN climate conference, COP27, is taking place in Egypt this year – a deeply repressive state that jails protestors – it’s vital that we make as much noise as we possibly can, in solidarity with those who can’t do so safely.
A video has been produced by the Climate Justice Coalition relating to the call for a Global Day of Action.
Watch on Facebook | Watch on Twitter | Watch on YouTube
What will happen on Saturday
The march will start 12 noon in St Andrew Square in Edinburgh and end at the Scottish Parliament.
The route of the march has been chosen to go to specific locations that highlight different crises that demand action. At each location, groups will engage the march in key issues: expect music, art and excitement!
There will musicians and groups joining the march. It’s going to be a really fun day with a family-friendly atmosphere, so bring your friends, kids, colleagues, neighbours and help encourage as many people as possible to join in.
Protest in Harmony are an Edinburgh-based radical singing group who will lead in some call and response singing at the final Scottish Parliament stop, as well as impromptu performances en route.
Edinburgh Rhythms of Resistance are a drumming group and part of an international network of samba bands and will be leading the way.
In addition to this, you can expect bagpipes, folk musicians, stilt walkers and much more along the route.
XR Scotland will perform in St Andrew Square at 12 noon to highlight the demand for a just system of Loss and Damage payments to the Global South.
The weather forecast for Sat looks fine (at the moment), but as always with Scotland and the outdoors, dress for all weather!
This is not an XR Scotland-organised event and we are just one part of the event. If you have any general queries, please email
How to get involved
Get involved with XR Scotland’s part of the march
If you are interested in helping out with or being involved in XR Scotland’s performance protest in St Andrew Sq, email us on and we can add you to our chat group.
Volunteer as a steward or helper
The march organisers need stewards, first aiders and people lending a hand with site set-ups and take downs. Sign-up as a volunteer.
Turn up on the day
We will have a supply of XR flags for people to take on the march or you can bring your own placards with messaging related to any of the related issues around the demand for Climate Justice.
Share this event
It’s not too late to let your friends and groups know about this. If you are planning to attend you can register here and share the page to spread the word (you don’t have to register to attend but it’s just another way to publicise!)
Love and rage from XR Scotland. See you on the streets!