Scottish Rebels – take action with us!
August 26, 2020
Plans and ideas from meetings held by the 2020 Rebellion planning group
August 2020 till the end of October 2020
Extinction Rebellion Scotland has decided to take its own action in Scotland focused on Scotland’s own political and social situation.
- Actions will be organised locally but will coordinate with actions happening across Scotland through a ‘National Actions Discussion Group’
- Actions will be spread out over a longer time frame to prevent burnout. August to the end of October.
UK Rebellion 27 Aug – 13 Sept
Several actions have been organised in solidarity with or coordinated with other groups in England and Wales as part of the UK Rebellion. Messaging for these actions should be led by the designers of the action, but can be adapted to a Scottish context.
Make it Real August – 14 Sept – Nov
The Scottish Government claims to be a world leader in green thinking, and setting up a citizens’ assembly with the authority to make decisions. Now we are demanding they follow through on these claims and “make it real”.
This ongoing campaign is related to the Scottish Climate Citizen’s Assembly, the XR Scotland Political Engagement working group have been working on this project with the Scottish Government.
So far the campaign has involved cravitism and political discourse. On 14 September, based on a speech to be delivered by Roseanna Cunningham, our Political group will advise whether this should continue, or whether spicy NVDA should be planned around this messaging. This NVDA will likely need to be led by XR Edinburgh as targets are likely to be in the capital.
Make the Connections 14 Sept – 31 Oct
This will take the form of decentralised but synchronised action against the fossil fuel-government-investors links, with the aim of exposing the decades of collusion between fossil fuel companies, governments and investors that has prevented a clean, green revolution.

A campaign of actions, including a day of coordinated actions synchronised with as many groups around Scotland as possible.
The action and the aim
Decentralised but synchronised action against the fossil fuel-government-investors link, with the aim of exposing the decades of collusion between fossil fuel companies, governments and investors that has prevented a clean, green revolution. Targets to be:
[A] Offices of the Scottish Government departments responsible for
liaising with the fossil fuel company lobby
making decisions about the fossil fuel industry
agreeing the fossil fuel bailouts
[B] Offices / Petrol stations / Refineries etc of the fossil fuel companies themselves*
[C] Offices of the investors in the oil and gas industry (eg banks, and…?)
The locations
Offices in cities across Scotland
COP 26 Glasgow
The group liked and welcomed the idea of using the 2020 rebellion to make stronger connections with XR groups around the world ahead of COP 26. We will be inviting the COP working group to use the 2020 rebellion as an outreach opportunity.
Disability and Inclusion and Justice and Solidarity
To make actions more open and accessible our Disability and Inclusion, and Justice and Solidarity working groups have designed checklists for actions.
Note that an action does NOT have to tick every one of these boxes to go ahead, the checklists are there to be informative to others wishing to take part in actions and to prompt action planners to think more inclusively during action design.
Supporting actions around the UK
Many of our members expressed interest in participating in actions happening around the UK after September the 1st. We are collecting suggestions on how we can support our traveling rebels here:
If you are planning on joining the UK rebellion and wish to connect with fellow Scottish rebels contact Link to the Scotland 2020 rebellion background:
How to get involved
- Email
- Join the 2020 Rebellion Mattermost channel
- Watch out for more action-related emails to follow