The Guardian: ‘The parallels between coronavirus and climate crisis are obvious’

The ongoing Covid-19 crisis made clear how crucial it is to listen to science and act immediately when an emergency threatens so many human lives.

Scientists have been warning the world of the deadly effects of the ecological and climate crisis for decades. Politicians have now no excuses to ignore it.

We demand truth, action, and genuine democratic procedures to ensure a just transition towards a sustainable future. We won’t accept than anyone’s life is treated as disposable and sacrificed to allow the super-rich to be even richer.

You have the power to rebel against a system that kills human beings to sustain itself. Join the Rebellion. Act now.

We strongly recommend this reading, with environmental journalist Emily Atkin speaking of her own concerns and feelings over the two deadly crises humankind is facing.

The Guardian: ‘The parallels between coronavirus and climate crisis are obvious’