First Weekly Art Prompt
May 01, 2020
Art Prompt #1

All creative hands on deck!
For the first weekly prompt in our series, we are encouraging rebels to create their own purple boats in honour of Extinction Rebellion Scotland’s beloved Amal Gous – who has taken part in and been the focal point of some of our most memorable actions, to place in their windows or to occupy a space, and to send us photographs of your arts!
Last year Glasgow’s Summer Uprising transformed the historic Trongate, emblazoning Amal Gous – the 25-foot purple boat named after a Sudanese activist. Amal was an activist who sold tea at the peaceful protests in Khartoum, Sudan, to provide for her elderly mother and four children. On June 3rd paramilitary forces stormed the protest camp, shooting, beating, and raping protestors during a sit-in. 208 were killed and over 800 arrested. Amal’s body was found floating in the Nile river. We named the boat in her honour.
The ‘Amal Gous’ also had messages in both English and Scots Gaelic. For the Scottish and UK Governments to “Act Now”, to treat the Climate Emergency like the emergency it is: to halt biodiversity loss and reduce greenhouse gas emissions to Net-Zero by 2025; and “The Future You Fear Is Already Here”: showing solidarity with climate refugees and those already suffering daily impacts of climate breakdown in the Global South and Indigenous North.
For the Scottish and UK Governments to “Act Now”, to treat the Climate Emergency like the emergency it is: to halt biodiversity loss and reduce greenhouse gas emissions to Net-Zero by 2025; and “The Future You Fear Is Already Here”: showing solidarity with climate refugees and those already suffering daily impacts of climate breakdown in the Global South and Indigenous North.
Here is a tutorial to help make your own: