‘Power In Truth’ moves in on the fossil fuel industry
October 11, 2019

The “Power In Truth” site, comprised of XR Scotland, Cumbria and the North East of England have moved on from their site by the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy but our actions targeting the fossil fuel industry have not ended.
We are causing disruption to the 6th Government Oil and Gas Fiscal Summit at Andaz London Liverpool Street.
We have blocked the road and people have glued themselves to entrance.
We are blocking this conference to demand that the corporations who collude with our governments stop greenwashing the fuel industry and cease fracked gas extraction which they claim is “clean” when it is categorically not.
The programme for the conference does not mention the climate crisis or staying under already woefully inadequate net zero targets. Instead it focuses on maximising corporate profit over investing in renewable technologies or funding a Just Transition for and led by workers despite 84% of the public being in favour of renewables.
One of the people glued on is Maggie, a grandma and a retired former fossil fuel industry worker.
“My name is Maggie Mason and I am retired Minerals Planner and a Grandma. I am doing this action to tell those financing oil and gas developments, and to the UK government that all oil and gas licensing and exploration should stop immediately. There is more than enough already explored and in production to destroy our civilization, our ecosystems, and to bring about huge suffering and loss of life. It is already happening in the Global South, and will also affect the northern hemisphere. It is imperative that the BEIS current licensing round decision due in November is abandoned.”
The diversion of responsibility to combat the climate crisis away from the fossil fuel industry and the burden being forced on communities already on the front line of climate breakdown. What is currently happening to the Ogek indigenous community in Kenya is a key example of this:
Peter Kitelo said, “In Kenya, people are told to plant trees as if that was dealing with the cause of climate change, when it isn’t. The biggest cause is fossil fuels. For us [the Ogiek forest people of Mt Elgon] climate change has been the excuse for dispossession. The community has not in any way contributed to the destruction of the forests or to climate change, but our communities are being sacrificed for proposed solutions that are not solutions. Climate change is being used as an excuse for the dispossession of forest communities who have protected their lands since time immemorial. We as a global community have a huge problem of poverty. People are told that if we exploit oil it will end poverty, but it doesn’t. The money is captured by a few, and meanwhile the climate is destroyed and ordinary people suffer.”
The government must end the current £10.5 billion in subsidies to the fossil fuel industry each year and instead fund a Just Transition to ethical renewable energy. Until the government commit to net zero carbon by 2025, these disruptions will not stop.

Meanwhile, Extinction Rebellion are blockading the BBC main office. Two XR Scotland members have climbed onto the entrance and have been up there for hours.