6 people lock on outside BEIS to ask department ‘What is your plan for the emergency?’ – as more people join the ‘Power In Truth’ XR Scotland/ Cumbria/ NE England site
October 08, 2019

Extinction Rebellion Scotland/ Cumbria/ NE England
Power In Truth – Site 6
October International Rebellion
What’s your plan, BEIS?
This morning at 6am outside the Government Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS), six activists locked themselves by the arm into oil barrels filled with a biodegradable oily substance which would be released on removal creating an oil spill. The barrels represent the locking in of future emissions through the continued exploitation and burning of fossil fuels.
BEIS houses the Oil & Gas Authority, the Coal Authority and is responsible for Climate Change policy in the UK. The locked on rebels blocked entrances to demand that BEIS present their plan for the climate emergency.
No arrests were made. The rest of the day continued peacefully with more people arriving and setting up the camp. The site continues to grow and spread with rebels joining from other sites across the city which have been dispersed. A PA system, a piano and a bicycle powered stage running on pedalled energy arrived from the Bristol site so music has been playing and speeches were given from groups like Rainbow Rebellion (LGBTQIA+) and Free West Papua. The percussionist from Groove Armada was performing at the camp at 9pm. A member of Maximo Park came and played the piano, which has been painted with bees. A huge XR symbol is being projected on Westminster Abbey.
“The way that things feels right now, it can be so incredibly easy to slip into feelings of hopelessness and futility. But, despite all that, we have to keep acting from a place of love, acting based on our conscience and this, Extinction Rebellion, is that. This is the only thing that I feel I can do that gives me hope, that feels meaningful.” – Joanna, 28, Edinburgh.
Being so close to Westminster, plenty of MPs have come down to speak to people in the camp, notably Tommy Shepherd and Chris Law both SNP MPs who wished everyone well and spoke of their support for the rebellion.
The XR Scotland, North East England and Cumbria site tells the truth about the fossil fuels that power all our lives, while sending our future up in smoke. Oil, gas and coal industries are continuing to drill, dig and frack, while corporations have known for decades that burning fossil fuels is causing climate breakdown and mass extinction. Even now, when the UN says we’re facing an existential global threat, the fossil fuel industry promotes business as usual that is killing us all.
“In 2012, I went to Burkina Faso, which is in West Africa. And the people there were amazing, very welcoming, and very kind to me. And I read recently in the IPCC report that West Africa is a hotspot for climate change, and they are currently suffering the effects of climate change, and in the future, they will suffer more which is completely unfair as they didn’t and won’t create the emissions which cause climate change! I don’t want that to happen.” – Mark Birkett, 24, Edinburgh. Youth Support Worker
- 1.5 Degrees Live! a ten hour ‘highlight’ reading of the IPCC Special Report on 1.5 Degrees Warming will be read by activists, politicians and performers. 9 – 7pm.
- XR Scotland along with other XR activists will protest outside the Oil & Money Conference.